Preliminary approach to youth narratives around COVID-19 in Guadalajara, Mexico



Youth, Mexico, COVID-19, youth narratives, subjectivity


When an event is excessively overwhelming, it usually dislocates the axes from which reality is interpreted. It confronts both actors and institutions with the need to adapt to a contingent environment. Badiou and other authors have called this situation an event. With the sanitary restrictions and quarantine period established since the beginning of 2020 in the Chinese city of Wuhan, and the subsequent global proliferation of COVID-19, it turned out to be without doubt an event in contemporary history. The arrival of the virus in Mexico forced the authorities to implement a set of mitigation measures for pandemic risks anchored above all in social control. Beyond the aspects related to public health, these measures will have significant impacts on the sociocultural aspects that will remain after the pandemic. Given this, it is worth asking about what are some of the elements in which youth subjectivities are deployed in the face of this event. To answer this question, this article documents the experience of young people between the ages of 15 and 29 regarding pandemic risk mitigation strategies (i.e. quarantine, social distancing). The findings suggest the reconfiguration of three aspects that transcend the pandemic situation: 1. The deepening of inequalities that cross youth worlds; 2. The role of the techno-digital variable in the production process of youth subjectivities (associated with an unexpected tendency to detachment from the media); and 3. The growing symbolic inefficiency that the institutional- governmental discourse has among youth in terms of strengthening the ontological security of this sector of the population.


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DOSSIER: Estado paradigma médico y plazo social en tiempos de pandemia