Hacia un paradigma no sanitarista de la salud



COVID-19, sanitary paradigm, art of government, ethics of care


In the current situation, the art of governing, founded on prudence, also requires a calculation based on results. The ethics of principles and care are thus combined with a utilitarian ethic, which show how complex it is to manage the health of the community body in the context of the planetary scourge of COVID-19. Referential ethical frameworks intersect and overlap. But the sanitary paradigm, which draws on the knowledge of scientists and is based on the logic of what is pure and impure, prevails before public opinion due to its legitimizing power. We advocate that the art of government be combined with other paradigms that put creativity into play; the art of government must channel those passions that are expressed in hatred, suspicion of the dangerousness of the other and the propensity to denounce and punishments (a breeding ground for neoliberals rights); it is necessary to make intervene other knowledge, considered, from the perspective of modern science, “inconsistent” or “unreliable”.


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DOSSIER: Estado paradigma médico y plazo social en tiempos de pandemia