Crisis estructural

Crecimiento invisible, megadevaluaciones y pandemia global



Mega Devaluation, Health Crisis, Economic Development, Argentina


Argentina’s productive structure as an underdeveloped and Latin American country has the particularity of presenting critical periods with greater frequency and depth than other economies. The current global economic crisis derived from the COVID-19 health crisis has put a limit on global economic growth. In the Argentine case, this crisis has the singularity of occurring in a context punished by the economic policies of the government of Cambiemos (political party of the previous government), macroeconomically vulnerable, which carried out a model that tended to benefit financial capital to the detriment of industry and national employment. By analyzing the dynamics of the productive sectors and employment during isolation, we understand that the current crisis has an origin prior to the emergence of the pandemic. With this research, we seek to provide an analysis of the role that the State should take in defining future strategies for the strengthening of the industry and the maintenance of employment


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DOSSIER: Estado paradigma médico y plazo social en tiempos de pandemia