La masacre de Villas de Salvárcar (Ciudad Juárez)

Un acontecimiento, tres figuras de víctimas



event, victims, political subjects, Ciudad Juárez


The aim of this article is to explore the relationship between two social processes: the process of configuration of an event and the emergence of victimhood. The event analyzed in this article is the Villas de Salvárcar massacre, which took place in Ciudad Juárez, México in the beginning of the fourth year of the so-called war on drugs in the country. The article analyzes how this massacre transforms into an event through different interventions of political subjects. Jointly, the process of configuration of three forms of victimhood takes place. The three forms are: 1) the victim as responsible for their own death; 2) the emergence of victims as political subjects after a dispute for their identity, and 3) the victim who is named and discussed by experts. These processes are analyzed in statements and newspaper articles that are the forms in which the event is materialized and through which it flows over time. The two processes are entangled, the movement of one piece in one process, moves the other.


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DOSSIER: Víctimas emergentes, escenarios actuales