Cuando en tu andar veo mi andar

Trayectos, trayectorias y organizadores del andar de músicos y músicas del circuito de rock de la ciudad de La Plata



Circuit, Rock of La Plata city, Trajectories, Paths, Walk organizers


In an investigation carried out in the 2013-2018 period we analyze the configuration of the circuit of rock in La Plata city. There, we observe that it’s a dynamic and active process that involves the participation of different actors (musicians, journalists, cultural managers, state agents) that in certain circumstances work collaboratively (Becker, 2008) and in others specific moments trigger disputes and tensions around dimensions such as tradition, the city and state policy, allowing us to see the implementation of operations of distinction, alteration, recognition and legitimization.

Taking up the results of this research, we will dedicate here to present the itineraries of a group of musicians who are members of the circuit, focusing on their trajectories (Elder, 2001), on the paths (Magnani 2002, 2014) that they carry out in the urban space and in the logics that operate organizing their gait. We hypothesize that it’s the trajectories of the actors that modulate the paths they make, as well as those spatial paths that have a performative character about their biographies, enabling new experiences.

About the methodology, we rely on a qualitative methodological strategy, using various data production tools such as interviews, participant observation, cartography and shading (Jirón, 2012)


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