Modernos, hábiles y entrometidos

Aportes para una socioantropología de la intimidad



Intimacy, Modernity, Postcoloniality, Overlapping spheres, Institutions, Latin America


 In the text we analyze the double way intimacy is defined, constructed, and transformed by the public, the market, and politics, meanwhile these are transformed by intimacy. The main ideas that we understand to account for our reflections on intimacy grouped into a) the ways that public and private spheres delimit, recreate, overlap, and dialogue each other, shaping the senses of intimacy; b) the relationship between institutions (formal and informal, weak, or strong) and the senses and experiences of intimacy; c) the used skills in the negotiation, intersections, interferences, and separations between spheres. We argue that the flexible nature of the category “intimacy” is what allowed us to pivot between the themes of care and emotions that we were addressing in our research. We found that fle­xibility made possible the creation of different ways of thinking about productive overlaps and intersections. We consider important to reflect on the intersectional combination of class, gender, and generation to restore the complexity and hybrid character of social rela­tions. That is why we can analyze our contemporaries’ complex realities.


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