Pork agroindustrial sector coordination as a bridge for the development of competitive advantages


  • E. Dulce FA-UBA-Cátedra de Agronegocios; Argentina
  • J. Pérez FA-UBA-Cátedra de Agronegocios; Argentina
  • M.C. Otaño FA-UBA-Cátedra de Agronegocios; Argentina


competitiveness, agribusiness, innovation, technology, performance


The purpose of this work was to study the performance of the Argentine pork agroindustrial  chain to identify the potential and the limitations to the development of the activity in the country and its insertion abroad. For this, the study was delimited from a map of the chain. Then, a sectoral diagnosis was made through the development of the Porter Diamond and, within this, the relationship between two of its edges was addressed: The conditions of the  factors and the conditions of the demand, based on the study of the relationship between the  increase in production and 3 explanatory variables (consumption, exports and% of lean) between 2009 and 2019. The results showed a growth in activity in recent years in technical  and commercial aspects (higher conversion efficiency, improvements in the quality of cattle,  increase in domestic demand and exports). However, it is observed that this improvement in  the performance of the agroindustrial chain is limited to a reduced number of productive and industrial units, which account for 84% of the work, with a high technological level and innovative forms of coordination. The simple linear regression model showed a high correlation between production and the 3 variables studied. There is a great space for the construction of  competitive advantages whose development will require innovation in the organizational designs of the actors, especially those of smaller scale. 


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