Sectorial Blocks and Productive Complexes


  • Edgardo Lifschitz


input-output, production complex, economic development, sectorial, chain value


This article presents a methodological approach for the construction of Sector Blocks (BS) and Production Complex (CP) from an input-output perspective applied to Argentina in 1997. A “nesting algorithm” is proposed that allows BS and CP to be formed using Input-Output Matrices (MIP), in order to provide a complementary tool to the other sectorial and value chains studies that operate from a microeconomic perspective. The central idea is that the interrelationships of the sectors, that make up the CPs, are units that are sufficiently autonomous to locate them as the units of analysis relevant to studies on economic development in countries such as Argentina. For this purpose, the document is divided into the following sections: i) presentation of the MIP, sectorialization, modeling and its applications to the study of economic structure, impact indicators; ii) obtaining complex products from “embedding algorithms” applied to MIP; iii) empirical determination of CPs from the MIP Argentina 1997; and iv), finally, some comments on the complexes of goods obtained.


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