Calculation of Sectoral Annual Price Indexes of Argentine Imports

Methodologies and Uses


  • Florencia M. Fares
  • Guido Zack
  • Ricardo Martínez


price index, sectorial, imports, unit value, ISIC


Argentine official foreign trade price indexes show insufficient disaggregation for sectorial analysis, as well as for estimating and comparing volumes of exports and imports. There are even some difficulties for comparing with other countries or other economic variables due to the lack of current disaggregation. For this reason, this paper aims to present a methodology for the calculation of those more disaggregated indexes, based on data from Foreign Trade Consultation System of INDEC, which have the limitation of not relieving prices, but unit values. After presenting the methodology, it is applied to the Argentine annual timeseries data of imports disaggregated into two-digit ISIC and its accuracy is shown from the comparison with US import price indexes.


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