Characterization of the productive structure and difficulties for a long-term growth in Chile


  • Félix Ordóñez Observatorio de Políticas Económicas (OPES)
  • Ignacio Silva Observatorio de Políticas Económicas (OPES)


Long-term growth, extractivism, role of the State, productivity, heterodox economy


This paper develops the main characteristics of the Chilean economy to identify the critical knots that it presents for its sustainable development, with main emphasis on the role of the State within the economy.
The last decades have seen how the State has lost importance in the productive process and with it, a productive matrix has been configured to extract natural resources and produce low sophistication goods. The document illustrates how this last idea has been expressed in stagnation in productivity and in the diversification of exports.
The document is part of the series of works in the area of Productive Development Policies of the Observatory of Economic Policies (OPES), a center of economic thought in Chile with heterodox profile that performs applied research and dissemination focused on the development and implementation of policies public.


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