Two Worlds Encounter.

Eight Notes about Faivovich & Golberg


  • Manuel Alejandro Quaranta Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Rosario, Argentina.


ready-made, meteorite, resignfication, appropriation


This essay explores a group of works by the artists Faivovich & Goldberg with the aim of analyzing a type of artistic operation linked to conceptual art. The point is that by operating with celestial objects, the duo's work generates a series of questions and theoretical questions that exceed those deployed in front of terrestrial material. In this sense, the concept of "cosmic ready-made" allows us to inquire about the particularity of the appropriations carried out by the group, focusing on notions such as restitution, resignification and recovery. In this way, the artists' work problematizes authorship, circulation and exhibition of the works. Finally, we attempt to account for the heterogeneous, yet concrete cultural impact of Faivovich & Goldberg's research.

Author Biography

Manuel Alejandro Quaranta, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Rosario, Argentina.

Licenciado en Filosofía y Magíster en Literatura Argentina. Ejerce como Profesor Titular en la carrera de Bellas Artes (UNR.) Tiene publicados cuatro libros, Diario del archivo (2023), Diario de Islandia (2021), La fuga del tiempo (2021) y La muerte de Manuel Quaranta (2015). Escribe crítica de arte para Infobae, Otra Parte, Artishock y El ojo del arte, y crítica cultural en Perfil. Ha realizado curadurías, instalaciones y performances.


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How to Cite

Quaranta, M. A. (2023). Two Worlds Encounter. : Eight Notes about Faivovich & Golberg. Anuario TAREA, 10(10), 300-315. Retrieved from