Printed Traces of the Fallen Tree
Héctor Libertella's Rewritings as Sketches
whites, body, bookstore, sign, valueAbstract
Producer of a novel poetics on the margins of Latin American literature, Héctor Libertella forged a project as a typographic copyist of hermetic messages. With increasing intensity from the mid-1980s until his death in 2006, he generated books through rewriting, crafted between typewriting and manual layout. The simultaneously printed and textual composition dissolves boundaries between books and explores the gaps left by signifiers without meaning, breaking the binary bar of the sign. The montage of books creates a typographic topography of verbal and visual intricacy, recycling powers of copying, cutting, grafting. Libertella's bookstore encourages deviations from the seriousness and inexorability of block letters, tearing the physicality of the volume with bodily conditions, inscribed in the forms of reading-writing after five centuries of printed culture. Residue of the typographic civilization, the body sustains the scattered book, unsettling in the movement of theoretical fiction. This article investigates glimpses of this hermetic poetics out of time, unfolded in actions of self-rewriting, crossing the scopic regime with letters aligned in books.
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