Study of the practices of restoration of movable and integrated property in the churches declared heritage in São João del Rei, Minas Gerais, Brazil


  • Adriana Sanajotti Nakamuta IPHAN
  • Elis Marina Mota IPHAN


Restoration, Documentation, Heritage Mobile and Integrated, IPHAN, Brazil


This article is part of the research that is underway in the Professional Masters Course in Preservation of Cultural Heritage of the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (PEP/MP/IPHAN) in Brazil, and has as object of investigation the restorations in the artistic elements of the churches of São Francisco de Assis, Nossa Senhora do Carmo and Nossa Senhora do Pilar, religious buildings located in the city of São João del Rei, in the state of Minas Gerais, between 1947 and 1976. We will present in this text the first reflections resulting from the research carried out at the IPHAN Central Archives, Rio de Janeiro (ACI/RJ) section, on these restoration practices, since it contains a large part of the documents –textual and iconographi – of the restoration works carried out by the Institution since its creation in 1937.



How to Cite

Sanajotti Nakamuta, A., & Mota, E. M. (2017). Study of the practices of restoration of movable and integrated property in the churches declared heritage in São João del Rei, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Anuario TAREA, (4). Retrieved from



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