French artists in Rio de Janeiro and the construction of an artistic sphere parallel to the Academia Imperial de Bellas Artes (1840-1884)



French Artists, 19th century, Rio de Janeiro, Academy of Fine Arts


The second half of the 19th century is marked by the presence of many foreigners in Rio de Janeiro, especially the French. From 1840, they sent their works to exhibit at the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts, integrating the offcial artistic environment, winning prizes and publicizing their works for the society. If the social exhibitions of the Academy were an important instrument of cultural and artistic inclusion, they performed alongside this institution. During the government of Pedro II, we know through the press a large number of news about their actions in private exhibitions, charity auctions, their works in private studios, sale of works and opening of art schools. In this set, we highlight the engravers Louis Boulanger and Sébastien Sisson, and the painters Francçois Moreaux and Louis Moreaux. We will discuss their actions in the development of this artistic environment parallel to the Academy, demonstrating the existence of public and private orders for a growing art market, absolutely essential elements for the formation of taste and the social armation of the artist in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Dias, E. (2020). French artists in Rio de Janeiro and the construction of an artistic sphere parallel to the Academia Imperial de Bellas Artes (1840-1884). Anuario TAREA, (7). Retrieved from