Consumption, Graphic and Advertising in Illustrated Magazines. Buenos Aires, 19th Century



Advertising, Periodical press, Illustrations, Graphic exchanges, Buenos Aires


At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th in Buenos Aires, the practice of advertising spread linked to various historical factors along with the expansion of consumption in different social levels. It is proposed here to analyze the visual development of advertisements, and consider the agency of images in the graphic and discursive context of the periodicals themselves. It is argued as one of the central hypotheses that illustrated periodicals played an active role not only as a material support for advertisements but also as drivers of the expansion of advertising activity. Consequently, the analysis of illustrated advertising cannot be separated from the consideration of the material conditions of possibility of magazines. The framework of the periodical publication itself as a historically and technologically situated device interacts with the characteristics of the ads at the informative or persuasive level, in the appeal to emotional, aspirational, rational or emulative behaviors with heterogeneous visualities.


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How to Cite

Szir, S. (2020). Consumption, Graphic and Advertising in Illustrated Magazines. Buenos Aires, 19th Century. Anuario TAREA, (7). Retrieved from