La Devotion to Cura Brochero and veneration of his relics in contemporary Argentina
Brochero Priest, religion, materiality, relics, objectsAbstract
The devotion to José Gabriel del Rosario Brochero (1840-1914), the so-called “gaucho priest”, is an Argentine religious expression where sacred materiality plays a prominent role in the emotional and symbolic structure of the group. Indeed, the movement
around this priest, officially anointed saint in 2016 by the Catholic Church based on the miracles of healing attributed to him, configures a cult driven by the “proxemic desire” of closeness of the faithful to his relics, that is, his bodily remains as well as objects that were in contact with him. In this article, after pointing out the fundamental aspects of the cult of the relics of the saints within Christianity, highlighting the fact that as “powerful objects” these provide the communities that possess them with symbolic legitimacy and economic benefits. Furthermore, these articulate communal ties, I also present the fundamental aspects of the veneration of relics within the movement around
priest Brochero in contemporary Argentina.
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