All the kangaroos the dog: reflections on the interspecies relations
A dialogue with the book Amor y Enfermedad by Andrea Mastrangelo
visceral leishmaniasis, interspecific relationships, dog, zoonosisAbstract
The interspecific relationship between humans and dogs has given rise to an important production of analytical texts, but it has also served as a space for discussion and a bridge between disciplinary views and epistemologies. In this sense, Dr. Andrea Mastrangelo's book Love and Disease, ethnography of a zoonosis proposes the study of visceral leishmaniasis, a parasitosis shared between humans and dogs, from a posthumanist perspective. The exhaustive ethnographic analysis, which feeds the theoretical discussion, was carried out within the framework of a multidisciplinary project on the emergence of this disease, transmitted by insects, in the northwestern border of Argentina, where dogs were the discursive axis of the conflict between social and sectorial collectives. As a researcher of the aforementioned project, and as a health official who had to take decisions, the book motivated me to reflect from a biological perspective, rather than attempting an exegetical review in a foreign discipline. A counterpoint that, by recognizing a contextualized anthropocentrism, warns in relation to dogs and other «sentient beings», that even research that pretends objectivity of scientific methodology, can develop questions from preconstructed answers from the interspecific perception of the researcher.
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