Plurilingualism in the Province of Chaco:

Planning Based on the Needs of Speakers.


  • Florencia Vecchione Universidad de Buenos Aires y Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas


language planning, indigenous education, second language teaching


In this paper, our aim is to analyze plurilingualism in the province of Chaco from a language planning perspective based on the needs of speakers. Specifically, we examine how these needs become evident in the context of intercultural bilingual education. To achieve this, we provide a brief overview of the legislation regarding plurilingualism in the province and highlight its scope. Additionally, we analyze the demands of indige­nous teachers in relation to intercultural bilingual education and explore the narratives of Qom speakers about language use. Finally, we outline how planning for teaching a second language in this context can meet those demands.


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How to Cite

Vecchione, F. (2023). Plurilingualism in the Province of Chaco:: Planning Based on the Needs of Speakers. Etnografías Contemporáneas, 9(17). Retrieved from



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