Design for transitions


  • Arturo Escobar


transitions, design, decolonization, social change, ecology


This article reviews transition visions and debates both in the Global North (e.g., The Great Transition Initiative, The Transition Town Movement, the Great Turning, the transition to an Ecozoic Era, and cultural and ecological transitions) and the Global South (e.g., Buen Vivir, postdevelopment, civiliza- tional transitions, and transitions to postextractivism). The analysis proposes a convergence between transition discourses and certain contemporary design trend (Manzini, Tonkinwise, Irwin), out of which there emerge transition design proposals that posit an ontological remaking of the human.


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How to Cite

Escobar, A. (2017). Design for transitions. Etnografías Contemporáneas, 3(4). Retrieved from



Dossier: Naturalezas y sociedad, Perspectivas desde América Latina