Epistemology and politics of Science and Transnational Studies
science studies, transnational studies, historiography, methods, epistemologyAbstract
When the publications on the history of science and the transnational historiography are taken into account, it is noticeable the wide range of questions that are posed, the profusion of ideas, analysis, and variety of themes proposed. It is also noticeable the reiterated presence of methodologies and intentions in regards to the categories and rules that must be executed. This article addresses two questions. In the first place, what these historiographies teach us about the sciences and transnational relations, and that which has been displaced and which is reopened. In second place, the article analyzes these declarations. We are confronted with two large corpus of relevant interpretation, heuristically productive, which in practice are constantly mixed by historians, but that politically and intellectually are considered in relation to other epistemologies, ontologies and positions which sustain them.
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