From the laboratory to the field: trajectory of the researcher who managed to clone the best Polo horses in Argentina


  • Valeria Hernández CEA/IDAES/UNSAM
  • María Soledad Córdoba


biotechnology, cloning, animal reproduction, UNSAM, polo


This work puts forward a professional career interview with a renowned researcher in the field of animal biotechnology in Argentina. The aim is to deploy his work itinerary, present the dilemmas he faced and the ways in which he resolved them. In this journey, the enormous ethical, social and political challenges posed by the modification (by transgenesis or by genetic editing) of living organisms are exposed, as well as the debate around the status of merchandise that scientific knowledge has achieved through the process of patenting of so called "inventions". All this aspects constitute a source of inquire for anthropology that’s seeks to explore the role of science and technology in contemporary societies.



How to Cite

Hernández, V., & Córdoba, M. S. (2018). From the laboratory to the field: trajectory of the researcher who managed to clone the best Polo horses in Argentina. Etnografías Contemporáneas, 4(6). Retrieved from