On crabs, mice and beees: ability and engagement in the sciences
laboratory animals, emotions, skills, engagementAbstract
During my anthropological research in a neuroscience lab in Buenos Aires, I have participated in classes where experiments with animals were carried out. After rejecting several times the manipulation of crabs and mice because I was disgusted and afraid, I have accepted handling bees. The analysis of emotions as a heuristic tool enabled me to explore the processes by which a scientific skill is developed, and go into detail on the ways in which biologists in experimental work and social anthropologists in fieldwork produce knowledge. In this work, I show that natural science, whose methodological rules indicate a detached relationship with the object of study, as well as social anthropology that claims for itself, instead, the engagement with the social patterns that it studies, define their relationship with the objects of study in the concrete research experiences. In the contact and daily treatment with the objects of study, emotions and bodies brought to light tensions between the distance and proximity between researchers and the subjects of study.References
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