The power of documents


  • Paula Marina Reiter Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales, Universidad Nacional de San Martín


fetishism, ritualization, documents, migrations, Senegal


This article analyzes the representations that Senegalese migrants in Argentina have regarding their identification documents (ID cards and asylum seeker certificates). In this regard, I observed that migrants belonging to the mouride brotherhood fetishize the official documents (passports, identity documents, visas, asylum seekers certificates), as a response to the difficulty of obtaining them, in the different stages of the migration process. In particular, these representations are examined in relation to a Mouride religious event held in 2009 in the City of Buenos Aires. I analyze how the members of the brotherhood ritualize the symbols of State power, embodied in these documents.

Author Biography

Paula Marina Reiter, Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales, Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Licenciada en Cs. Antropológicas Orientación Sociociocultural (UBA). Doctoranda en Antropología Social (IDAES/UNSAM)


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Otras fuentes consultadas

Ley Nº 26.165– Ley General de Reconocimiento y Protección al Refugiado.

Ley Nº 25.871 – Ley de Migraciones.



How to Cite

Reiter, P. M. (2019). The power of documents. Etnografías Contemporáneas, 5(8). Retrieved from