El Ethnography as a meta cognitive tool in the field of studies on climate issues and global sustainability


  • Valeria Hernández
  • María Florencia Fossa


metacognitive, ethnography, knowledge co-production


This article reflects on the metacognitive dimension of the ethnographic approach of implication-reflexivity (Althabe and Hernández, 2004) and its critical role in the co-production of knowledge in the field of studies on global sustainability. In order to do so, we rely on the records and documents generated between 2015-2017,as researchers in an interdisciplinary international network oriented towards the co-production of socially relevant climate services for the Argentine farming family sector. Taking as premises that comprehenssion requires a hermeneutic disposition to question one' s own certainties (Gadamer, 1975), that the diverse systems of knowledge express versions of the world in which it is necessary to recognize a will of truth (Foucault, 1969) and that there is a relative autonomy of the social fields regarding the macro-social logics (Bourdieu, 2013), we consider the ethnographic approach of implication-reflexivity particularly fruitful to produce knowledge in and about interdisciplinary and intersectoral work contexts because it allows the multiple present alterities (cognitive, social, institutional, etc.) to be engaged in a reflexive way. At the same time, its meta-cognitive capacity makes it possible to question the limits of the notion of co-production and its challenges.


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How to Cite

Hernández, V., & Fossa, M. F. (2019). El Ethnography as a meta cognitive tool in the field of studies on climate issues and global sustainability . Etnografías Contemporáneas, 5(9). Retrieved from https://revistasacademicas.unsam.edu.ar/index.php/etnocontemp/article/view/493