Multisited ethnography, digital ethnography: reflextions about the extensions of fielworkd and reflexivity


  • Oscar Grillo


multi-site ethnography, digital ethnography, research design


In this work I develop a reflection on the idea of Multisited Ethnography proposed by George Marcus and I suggest extending it to the digital world. Research is based on a field experience conducted between 2003 and 2008 in order to understand the modalities of identity politics of Mapuche activists in Argentina and Chile. The first step in the research was to find in the internet the enunciation of Mapuche identity politics, analyze and interpret texts , images and sound. I identified the media practices and participated as part of the audience, I also witnessed the articulation of a collective group in an imaginary unity. Later on, I found a way to follow the activists in the global community and access some events organized by them. With the material found on the web, the marks of the militants´ presence in global sanctuaries, co-productions and alliances with ecological and human rights networks and my own field records I formed a constellation of support points to account for the articulation between the global and the local with the specificity it has achieved in the construction of the cultural activists.



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How to Cite

Grillo, O. (2019). Multisited ethnography, digital ethnography: reflextions about the extensions of fielworkd and reflexivity. Etnografías Contemporáneas, 5(9). Retrieved from