“Dust of Time” and imaginary figures in Southern Brazil: challenges in the production of electronic games


  • Ana Luiza Carvalho da Rocha
  • Cornelia Eckert


digital games, ethnographic narratives, hypermedia ethnography, image, city


This article delves in the process of creating the electronic game Dust of Time, figurations of memory in southern Brazil, as part of the research of “Banco de Imagens e Efeitos Visuais” (BIEV/UFRGS) taking into account the challenges of the narration arts of visual anthropology to the production of electronic games. In the production of a hybrid work, we examine the challenge of creating an intertextual dialogue between the narrative genres of the ethnographic documentary, on the one hand, and electronic games, on the other hand. We follow the reflections of Janet Murray [2003] for whom digital games highlight their storytelling potential. It constitutes an invitation to the player / spectator to get to know some of the old legends and stories of Rio Grande do Sul, that survive in popular folklore and oral tradition, woven into the landscapes of the past and the memories of the ancestors.



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How to Cite

Carvalho da Rocha, A. L., & Eckert, C. (2019). “Dust of Time” and imaginary figures in Southern Brazil: challenges in the production of electronic games. Etnografías Contemporáneas, 5(9). Retrieved from https://revistasacademicas.unsam.edu.ar/index.php/etnocontemp/article/view/509