Zilan and the struggle of signifiers

Interpretations on the Immolation of a Kurdish Militant Woman


  • Dilan Bozgan Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina


kurdish women, kurdish women movement, Kurdistan, Turkey, suicide bomber


Zilan is the nom de guerre of a Kurdish guerrilla woman from PKK (Kurdish Worker’s Party). In 1996, she did a political immolation in a city of East of Turkey where the majority of the population is Kurdish/alevi. The main purpose of this article is to show how the political immolation of Zilan for the “liberation of Kurdistan” was represented by the actors of the conflict between Turkish state and the PKK. In the first part of the article, I do a critical review of the literature on the theme, highlighting the categories produced by the political actors who spoke “for” Kurdish women: the international public opinion, the Turkish state, Kurdistan Liberation Movement and finally Women’s Movement of Kurdistan. In the second part of the article, I focus on the historicity of the Women’s Movement of Kurdistan that accepts Zilan as a “symbol” of the “liberation of the kurdish women”. I analyze the gendered discourses of the Turkish state and the PKK following the political immolation of Zilan. I explore the following questions: How did the both sides of the conflict speak about her? Which mechanisms were put in action to “represent” her before the public opinion? What sense did the use of force have for Kurdish women?



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How to Cite

Bozgan, D. (2020). Zilan and the struggle of signifiers: Interpretations on the Immolation of a Kurdish Militant Woman. Etnografías Contemporáneas, 6(10). Retrieved from https://revistasacademicas.unsam.edu.ar/index.php/etnocontemp/article/view/529



Dossier: La violencia perturbadora : mujeres y uso de la fuerza