Victims and justice
reflections on the Rromaní people of Colombia
rromaní people, victims, justice, transitionAbstract
Frameworks of Transitional Justice in Colombia”. We analyzed the situation of the Rromaní people in Colombia from an ethnographic perspective, taking into account their condition of victims of the political, social and armed conflict through three topics. First, kriss romaní as their own system of justice that confronts Transitional Justice; second, the situation of Rromaní people in two scenarios of transition that deserve to be examined, assistance and integral repair (the Unit for Victims and the Land Restitution Unit); third, the political turn that lets Rromaní people report the violation of Human Rights by different armed groups, mainly paramilitary. We conclude that forced displacement is the main impact against the Rromaní population, but this is invisibilized due to their transhumance.
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