Cobertura mediática y consumo de noticias durante el confinamiento

Riesgos y sobreinformación



Media Coverage, COVID-19, Risks, Media Consum


The objective of this work is to analyse the information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic featured in the principal digital media channels in Argentina. Starting with the premise that during a pandemic, media attention tends to increase due to greater demand for quality information, the aim is to establish the composition of the themes of the news about COVID-19 through the Preventive and Mandatory Social Isolation decreed by the National Executive Power on March 20th 2020. In specific terms, we will determine which were the dominant issues in the news at each point in the process and how the issues proposed by the media for public discussion may or may not have increased the perception of risk. To do this, a quantitative content analysis was developed on the most relevant news about COVID-19 published by the digital newspapers Clarín, La Nación, Infobae and Página/12. The results of the content analysis were cross-referenced with the results of different ad hoc opinion polls to construct specific data about the public perception of the media coverage on the subject.


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DOSSIER: Estado paradigma médico y plazo social en tiempos de pandemia