Una aproximación a los temas acerca de la COVID-19

Aplicación de técnicas de procesamiento de lenguaje natural sobre comentarios de lectores de noticias digitales



forum comments, topic modeling, discourses, pandemic, COVID-19, natural language processing


This work attempts a first approach to the discourses built around the pandemic unleashed in 2020. What issues are associated with the pandemic and COVID-19? Which are the most relevant? How do they change over time? To this end, the comments that digital news readers produce in media forums are used. Besides, the paper aims to provide elements about the usefulness of natural language processing techniques to address this type of problem in social sciences.

For the construction of the data, web scraping techniques were used and natural language processing algorithms were applied. A relevant finding seems to be the apparent stability in the evolution of the papers over time, regardless of the metric used and the newspaper analyzed.


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