Entre la tinta y los bits

Una revisión crítica y una propuesta teórica para el estudio de la recepción de noticias



Reception studies, news consumption, news reception, written press, online news


This article offers a systematic literature review on news reception. While the literature on print media has approached news consumption from sociodemographic factors, content, and associated habits, studies of digital news consumption have focused on the underlying practices and motivations. Taken together, they have tended to focus on media as technologies isolated from other technologies, as mere information-transmitting artifacts and, in short, disconnected from the broader fabrics of everyday life. To fill this gap, this article proposes to retake the framing of reception studies with a non-media-centered sensibility, to recompose the broader ecosystem that connects people with overflowing practices and rituals, which touch and involve more than one media artifact and which are synthesized in a constellation of cultural meanings and representations.


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DOSSIER: Audiencias, públicos y usuarios/as. Nuevas prácticas e interacciones