Despliegue de redes alternativas de alimentación

Los casos de la Red Calisas y la iniciativa Bioleft en Argentina



agroecology, food sovereignty, family farming, agrobiodiversity, open source seeds


In this article we present the preliminary results of an ongoing qualitative investigation of alternative food networks in Argentina that began in 2019, which aims to characterize and distinguish them from conventional networks. We focus in this paper on the empirical study of two exemplary cases - on the one hand, the Network of Free Chairs of Food Sovereignty in Argentina and, on the other, the Bioleft initiative developed as part of the research project “ Transformative Pathways to Sustainability”. In this sense, the initial questions that guided our research were: What characterizes these alternative networks? How was the process of their construction? What distinguishes them from the hegemonic networks of research, education, production, certification, marketing and consumption? In this instance, we focus on the study of the documentation elaborated by the networks themselves, archives of other networks with which they are articulated, publications in mass, alternative and academic media of their activities, as well as their interventions on internet platforms


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DOSSIER: Asociatividades "alternativas" en la Argentina contemporánea