Entre homogeneización y pluralidad
El rol de la novela gráfica en las memorias de las violencias contra estudiantes en la historia reciente de México y Estados Unidos
Globalization, Cultural Memory, Student repression, Hybrid identities, Cultural homogenizationAbstract
This article explores the role of graphic novels in social memory studies through a comparative analysis of Grito de Victoria by Augusto Mora and Kent State: Four Dead in Ohio by Derf Backderf, both produced in the second decade of the 21st century. The study focuses on how these graphic novels address the memories of student repression within a globalized context. Using an exploratory approach and a documentary methodology, the research combines bibliographic and iconographic analysis with interviews with the authors to provide an analytic view of graphic narratives. The article is structured into five interrelated sections: (1) a descriptive synthesis of the repression memories in both novels; (2) a contextualization of the graphic novel medium within the globalization of communication; (3) an analysis of how local interpretations are integrated into an international framework; (4) a discussion on resistance to cultural homogenization; and (5) a final reflection on how graphic novels address repression memories in a transnational context. This approach helps to understand how graphic novels contribute to the representation and critical reflection of sociopolitical experiences in an interconnected world.
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Fuentes primarias
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