Development Strategies and Policies:

Argentina after two and a half years of Cambiemos


  • Andres Tavosnanska UBA


Development policies, Development, International Trade


The administration that took office in December 2015 aimed to radically alter the economic direction taken by the previous government. This paper analyzes the changes related to the economic development model; examining the public policies introduced, with a sector-focused approach, and trying to draw conclusions from the results.
The production plan is similar to the classic strategies that tried to exploit the comparative advantages and profit from natural resources to develop the country. As an innovation, it also includes modern sectors, such as Knowledge-Based Services and tourism. One of the main differences with the previous development strategy is the minor role played by the manufacturing industry.
In general terms, the development policies targeted to deregulate and increase private profit margins. Horizontal policies replaced those more complex, vertical or selective ones. The strategy lacked coordination between areas, planning and private involvement.
The outcomes are disappointing. In the period under review, the private sector did not respond properly to the price incentives. The economy started to suffer a re-primarization process. Last but not least, the trade deficit grew larger as a result of this plan, contributing to the balance of payments crisis of 2018.


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