Describing Photographic Objects

Thoughts and Resources for Their Recording in Computer Databases


  • Agustina Lapenda CONICET / CIAP, EAyP, UNSAM - CONICET
  • Clara Aguilar Licenciada en Artes, FFyL, UBA
  • Clara Tomasini CONICET / IIAC, UNTREF / UBA


photography, archives, databases, conservation, heritage


This article talks about difficulties detected when working with photographic archives and collections -both public and private- related to the processes of cataloging, managing, and accessing information of photographic objects, as well as their description through metadata schemes and vocabulary. Based on the latter, and via an interdisciplinary approach (archival studies, humanities, conservation, computer science), we offer a set of resources and guidelines that aim to facilitate both registering and accessing information related to photographic documents, considering their multiple dimensions and specificities. A detail of the local and international previous efforts and works that guided the elaboration of these tools is also presented. Moreover, fundamentals and technical definitions of the possibilities of computational databases are specified. Finally, the article seeks to show the importance of critical and contextualized thinking in the development and implementation of computer tools in photographic collections.


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How to Cite

Lapenda, A., Aguilar, C., & Tomasini, C. . (2022). Describing Photographic Objects: Thoughts and Resources for Their Recording in Computer Databases. Anuario TAREA, (9), 148-168. Retrieved from