Iconographic and Material Studies for the Restoration of "The Christ of Patience" in San Ignacio de Loyola Church


  • Romina Gatti TAREA - IIPC - UNSAM


Restoration, Colonial Painting, Iconographic Change, Material Study


This work describes the conservation and restoration processes carried out in the work Cristo de la paciencia, a South American colonial painting, belonging to the Church of San Ignacio de Loyola in Buenos Aires. During the intervention, the appearance of images hidden under successive layers of painting, signicantly altered the composition and raised concerns about an iconographic change in the piece. The new findings required a more exhaustive historical, technical and material study, which led to the change of the initial work plan, to preserve the functionality, history and wishes of the owner of the work.


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How to Cite

Gatti, R. (2020). Iconographic and Material Studies for the Restoration of "The Christ of Patience" in San Ignacio de Loyola Church. Anuario TAREA, (7). Retrieved from https://revistasacademicas.unsam.edu.ar/index.php/tarea/article/view/854