Trayectories and ethnography towards agencies, considering vulnerability, affects and care


  • Catalina Cortés Severino Universidad Nacional de Colombia


vulnerability, subjectification processes, ethnography of everyday life, gender perspective, care


This article is based on research carried out for my dissertation thesis entitled “Políticas, éticas y estéticas de la memoria en la Colombia contemporánea” at the University of Siena and the project “Trasegares” as part of the XV Regional Exhibition of Artists from the central region of Colombia and organized under the title of Ephemeral Museums of Oblivion. Research is based on two ethnographic research projects I worked then and that now I rethink them together again from the lenses of the articulation of subjectification processes, dispossession mechanisms and care. From a gender perspective, both fieldwork experiences in Colombia intended to approach particular social movement practices and women’s collectives that are reworking and reinventing embodiment touched by different violences, pointing at those everyday and transformative practices that allow them to resignify both their wounds and the same spaces they inhabit while resisting the identities imposed upon them. In many cases, I am considering those resignifying practices apparently banal, imperceptible, fleeting, difficult to name, fix or identify, where the everyday life of women living in those spaces, amidst their specific contexts and emergent contingencies, are making a space for other possible ways of thinking and feeling other futures, from within the relations of the past and the present.


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How to Cite

Cortés Severino, C. (2020). Trayectories and ethnography towards agencies, considering vulnerability, affects and care. Etnografías Contemporáneas, 6(10). Retrieved from