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Vol. 7 No. 12 (2021)

The Myth of the Good Tsar: Hans Blumenberg’s Contribution to the Understanding of Historical Sources

April 16, 2021


Conceptual history does not separate theoretical premises from the study of sources, nor does it frame the former in the so-called “theoretical framework”, but uses them in the very process of choosing and reading documents, whether published or from archives. Despite development of the discipline, the histo­riographical scholarship is characterized above all by a deep-rooted distrust of theory. These pages show how the incorporation into the analysis an eminently philosophical thought, such as that of Hans Blumenberg, leads to a double un­derstanding: that of the impasse of the positivist and teleological conception of the past and that of the genesis and logic of the recourse to myth and metaphor in the collective and individual resistance of the oppressed. The chosen case is that of the myth of the good tsar, which has never ceased to play a significant role in Russian history.


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