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Vol. 4 No. 5 (2018)

Sobre el concepto de concepto en Reinhart Koselleck: Entre las condiciones de la historia y la historia de las condiciones

February 10, 2021


In this article, we analyze the characteristics of the concept of concept that the German historian Reinhart Koselleck developed in his work, given that, without a doubt, it is a key aspect in it. To this end, we organize the exposition around the following axes: first, we address the relationship between words, ideas and concepts; second, the difference between historical concepts in general and fundamental historical concepts in particular; third, the relationship between the latter and the transcendental categories of history, postulated by Koselleck as conditions of possibility both for the realization and for the knowledge of history. Finally, we investigate the problematic link between these conditions of possibility and their properly historical character.


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