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Vol. 6 No. 10 (2020)

“Remontar los conceptos a su situación específica”, hoy: Aporías y conflictos

August 30, 2021


What is the sense of writing the history of a concept today? Generally, this
question is met with an obvious answer. Such a history brings to light the social setting in which a particular concept emerged, traces its historical declinations up to our present day, and underlines the political stakes involved in its mobilization. However, if social antagonisms are readily accepted as the matrix of a concept’s emergence and consequent development, the contemporary enterprise of writing such a history is often seen as standing at the fringes of such conflicts, and its role described in terms of a scholarly identification of conceptual aporias and an irenic promotion of political plurality. In contrast to such an understanding, this article begins by emphasizing the intimate relationship between the Begriffsgeschichte as a historiographical and historical paradigm and the concept of Critique. After reviewing Koselleck’s account of Critique’s historical emergence, it resituates the latter’s constitutive ideological tensions within the early-modern religious problematizations of our relationship with the Past, with Authority, and with Truth. Finally, it ends by claiming that the history of concepts can enhance its critical potential by fully recognizing its
continued stake in these struggles.


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