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Vol. 9 No. 15 (2024)

“Dazwischen”: Reinhart Koselleck and Political Philosophy

August 21, 2024


The article focuses on Koselleck’s historical ontology. History does not develop itself according to an inherent logic –that the philosophy of history, this quite peculiar product of modernity, must be abolished is a constant idea in Koselleck’s work–, but in the “in-between” that defines the space of tension between different experiences of temporality and different visions of the future within which historical actors relate. That action is not subject to any internal necessity or determinate causality. This implies not only the need to deconstruct the assumptions at the core of modern historical studies, but also implies an idea of historic­ity that recognizes and enacts heterogeneous factors, the co-presence of different temporalities (and sometimes in acute tension with each other) in the stratigraphy of any historical object, that agglutinates the very notion of experience around an eminently political and collective center of gravity.


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